Like death and taxes (or if you ask Thanos, he will tell you that he is), change is inevitable. We can’t control it, but we can control how we react to it. Sometimes it’s healthy to embrace new challenges even if they are difficult….and fearful.
I spent the greater part of my working career in the casino industry and a large portion of those years training others to become table games dealers. I asked many of them to put themselves on display in front of strangers providing entertainment for hours on end. When they first
started their hands were shaking, sweat was beading, and you could almost feel their hearts racing. I forced them out of their comfort zone to grow into something larger.
While I am ok in front of people, I cringe when seeing myself on video or when I hear myself from a recording (even when I have been asked if I have been on the radio before!). Since joining Nexus 6, I have had to expand my comfort level and do exactly what I ask others to do. Let’s be honest. How can I ask clients to make video content to help them expand their business when I am unwilling to do it myself? Short answer is I can’t. Or won’t.
What haven’t you done in your business that you fear?
Can you overcome it on your own or do you need a helping hand?
You’re never alone. Hit me up and let’s conquer the fear together.